Sunday, 4 February 2018

Brewing wine

What is needed:

  • 23 liter or larger fermentation bucket with lid
  • Airlock
  • BelVino wine kit
  • 4kg brewing sugar
  • Washing up liquid
  • Soft washing brush
  • Large plastic spoon
  • Sterilization fluid

The contents of the wine kit
This kit comes with dried fruit, I was surprised there was no liquid in the box whatsoever.
Dried fruit

I scrubbed the fermenter with washing up liquid and rinsed it thoroughly to ensure there was no residue. I used Milton to sterilize the fermenter and left it sitting for about 20 minutes to work it's magic.

Rinsed the fermenter once again to ensure the sterilizing fluid was gone.

Added the bag of dry fruit and 4kg of brewing sugar.

Dried fruit in the fermentation bucket

Mixed it up with 3 liters of boiling water from the kettle
1kg of brewing sugar, 4 bags are needed

I added the small sachet of enzyme and mixed it up a little further. I put it aside to cool down for 30 minutes.

I then filled the fermenter to 23 liters and added the citric acid sachet and mixed it up.

I added the wine yeast and bentonite to the top and left to sit for 15 minutes. I then mixed everything in together and sealed up the lid and added the airlock.
The mixture before putting the lid on
It says leave for 5 - 6 days to ferment, it is a little colder here so I might leave it for 10 days and check back.

Brewing cider

What is needed:
  • 23 liter or larger fermentation bucket with lid
  • Airlock
  • Mangrove jacks lime and elderflower cider kit
  • 1kg brewing sugar
  • Washing up liquid
  • Soft washing brush
  • Large plastic spoon
  • Sterilization fluid

Before starting, the fermentation bucket and anything that will be used in the cider needs to be washed and sterilized.

I washed the bucket using a small bit of washing up liquid scrubbing the inside and outside using a soft brush (avoid using something hard when scrubbing as it is easy to damage the plastic). I rinsed the bucket well ensuring all of the residue is completely removed, this is important as it might contaminate the cider and make it taste like washing up liquid.

I filled the bucket half way with warm water from the tap and put 5 cap fulls of sterilization fluid and mixed it up (I used Milton sterilization fluid). I put the airlock and spoon into the fermenter and left it for 30 minutes, every now and then spreading the fluid over everything to make sure it is all covered.

Front of the mangrove jacks kit
Information on front of the pack

Back of the mangroves jack kit

I cut open the pack and took out the sachets on one half and emptied the contents of the wet half into the fermenter. Using hot water from the kettle I rinsed out the bag into the fermenter and added the 1kg bag of brewing sugar.

View of the open mangrove jacks kit

Included sachets

I boiled 2 liters of water and mixed it into the fermenter then topped it up to 21 liters using cold tap water mixing all the time.

I added the silver sachet and yeast and mixed it up, when the yeast was mixed up I added the large teabag.  

The flavoring sachet should not be added at this point.

The pack comes with a large instruction page outlining the steps

I sealed up the bucket and placed the airlock on top, it has a tap on the bottom so I can easily draw some cider to test the gravity.

Getting the starting gravity
The starting gravity is 1058 which should make just over 6% cider. The instructions say leave the cider fermenting for 7 days and check the gravity once more.

The cider should be fermented at 22 degrees, if the temperature is less the fermentation may take longer, it is colder than 22 degrees here so I may check back on this in 10 days and post an update.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Getting going with Go

I've been looking to expand my horizons outside of the Java world and decided to give Go a go. Go is a relatively new language and is described as being clean, concise and efficient.

To get started I took a look through and skimmed through the documentation. There is a neat getting started guide and a built in editor where you can insert and run code written in Go.

I use Eclipse all the time and find it comfortable to use so I decided to set up Go in Eclipse.

Step 1: I Downloaded the Go binaries from and installed them, by default the go into C:\Go which suits me fine.

Step 2: To get Go working in the command line you need to add it to your windows path, so I hit the windows key, typed computer, right clicked on this PC and opened Advanced System Settings. Under environment variables I added C:\Go\bin to my path.

I also added a GOPATH variable, this is an empty folder go will use to hold any downloads etc. you get by invoking the go get command.

Step 3: I opened Eclipse and added an update site "Go -" and filtered for Goclipse and installed it.

I created the a folder called main inside the src folder and created a go file called main inside of that.

I then pasted some code in and hit the run button and I my application started.


Code completion didn't work because of the following error:
Reason: Cannot run program "gocode": error=2, No such file or directory
To fix this I ran the following command:
go get -u

Then in Eclipse under Window > Preferences > Go > Tools I set the gocode path to where I downloaded the gocode binaries.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Spring boot

This is a quick post, I came across Sping boot ( during my travels through the internet. It looks very interesting, create a project using Java/Spring and embed a web container right in your jar file so it's super easy to run.

So I decided to look at it while writing this post, I have never before used Spring boot. I do however have some good experience working with Tomcat and various Spring projects.

So lets get started:

  1. Go to configure a project and download. I gave mine some sample information and didn't choose any extra libraries, I chose Jar packaging.
  2. You will get a file, unpack the file somewhere handy like the desktop.
  3. Inside the starter directory I have a configured pom.xml and some starter Java code.
  4. Install maven and run mvn install, you should see in the output various dependencies being downloaded then a success message.
  5. Run mvn package and it will run the tests and create a jar file in the target directory.
  6. Run java -jar <name of built jar file> and navigate to http://localhost:8080 and a warning message will be displayed.
  7. Update the file and add an endpoint, run mvn package once more, and navigate to your endpoint (I include my file below as an image).

You can check out the source code in it is very straight forward.

5 minutes and you have everything configured ready to start work :)

I look forward to writing more on this!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

A look at HypergraphDB (Part 2)

This post is a follow on to A look at HypergraphDB (Part 1) if you are unsure on how to set up HypergraphDB please refer to that post.

There will be one change here, instead of using:
HyperGraph graph = new HyperGraph("/home/mhoward/Hypergraph");

We will use:
HyperGraph graph = HGEnvironment("/home/mhoward/Hypergraph");  

The benefit to using HGEnvironment over creating a new graph manually is HGEnvironment keeps a record of all open graphs and will return an existing graph if it is open.

The first thing we will do is set up two plain Java objects to add to the graph, the first is and it looks like so:
 package com.markhoward.hypergraphexample;  
 public class Product {  
   private String name;  
   private String specs;  
   private double price;  
    * Default constructor is needed by HypergraphDB to serialize.  
   public Product(){a  
   public Product(String name, String specs, double price){ = name;  
     this.specs = specs;  
     this.price = price;  
   public String getName() {  
     return name;  
   public void setName(String name) { = name;  
   public String getSpecs() {  
     return specs;  
   public void setSpecs(String specs) {  
     this.specs = specs;  
   public double getPrice() {  
     return price;  
   public void setPrice(double price) {  
     this.price = price;  
   public String toString(){  
     return String.format("Product name: %s, product specs: %s, Product price: %.2f", getName(), getSpecs(), getPrice());  

The thing to note when creating the classes that will be persisted is, HypergraphDB follows the Java Bean specification, so your class will need a default (no args) constructor, it is a good idea to override hashcode and equals and also have matching getter and setter methods.

The second Java class is the Category class, it simply holds the name of the category:
 package com.markhoward.hypergraphexample;  
 public class Category {  
   private String name;  
    * Default constructor is needed by HypergraphDB to serialize.  
   public Category(){  
   public Category(String name){ = name;  
   public String getName() {  
     return name;  
   public void setName(String name) { = name;  
   public String toString(){  
     return String.format("Category: %s", getName());  

The aim is to add some products to the graph and link them to the relevant category, then query the graph for the product and get the category back.

I created a toString method to allow the results be printed directly to the console to make things easier, if there is no toString method the JVM may just print the memory address of the object.

So create a few Product and Category objects like so, add them to the graph and create a link between the Product and the relevant category.
 private void addSomeProducts(){  
      * Create categories add them to the graph and save the handles.  
     Category digitalCamera = new Category(DIGITAL_CAMERA);  
     Category computer = new Category(COMPUTER);  
     HGHandle digitalCameraCategoryHandle = graph.add(digitalCamera);  
     HGHandle computerCategoryHandle = graph.add(computer);  
      * Create Products and add them to the graph (saving the handles).  
     Product camera1 = new Product("Canon IXUS", "10 Megapixel, 3x Zoom", 100.00);  
     Product camera2 = new Product("Nikon Coolpix", "12 Megapixel, 3x Zoom", 120.00);  
     Product computer1 = new Product("Apple Macbook Pro", "2Ghz, 500GB", 1200.00);  
     Product computer2 = new Product("Dell XPS", "3Ghz, 1TB", 600.00);  
     HGHandle camera1Handle = graph.add(camera1);  
     HGHandle camera2Handle = graph.add(camera2);  
     HGHandle computer1Handle = graph.add(computer1);  
     HGHandle computer2Handle = graph.add(computer2);  
      * Make a link from each product to the relevant category.  
     HGValueLink link1 = new HGValueLink("category", digitalCameraCategoryHandle, camera1Handle);  
     HGValueLink link2 = new HGValueLink("category", digitalCameraCategoryHandle, camera2Handle);  
     HGValueLink link3 = new HGValueLink("category", computerCategoryHandle, computer1Handle);  
     HGValueLink link4 = new HGValueLink("category", computerCategoryHandle, computer2Handle);  
      * Add the link to the graph.  

Once these objects have been added to the graph, create a query like so:
 HGQueryCondition condition = new AtomTypeCondition(Product.class);  
 HGSearchResult<HGHandle> resultSet = graph.find(condition);  

The condition will simply return all products currently saved in the graph. The resultset that is returned is very similar to a ResultSet in JDBC, the results can be iterated over like so
         HGHandle productHandle =;  
          * For each product traverse the graph starting with this   
          * product and print the results.  
     catch(Exception exception){  
        * Print any exceptions that occur, I have come across type casting  
        * problems, which would occur at runtime.  

Note: be sure to close the resultset as if it is not closed it will cause the referenced objects to be locked, it will stop the graph being closed gracefully and if these objects are queried further the application will throw exceptions.

The resultset contains the handles which reference the objects contained in the graph. To get the product from the resultset you could do the following (instead of printCategory(productHandle)):
 Product product = graph.get(productHandle);  

To traverse the links from the product handle the printCategory method looks like so:
 private void printCategory(HGHandle productHandle){  
      * Set up a depth first traversal starting with our product.  
     HGDepthFirstTraversal traversal = new HGDepthFirstTraversal(productHandle, new SimpleALGenerator(graph));  
       Pair<HGHandle, HGHandle> current =;  
       HGHandle categoryHandle = (HGHandle) current.getSecond();  

I hope this post helps anyone starting out with HypergraphDB, be sure to check out the JavaDocs as they are very well documented. There is also some great documentation on the HypergraphDB website.

I have uploaded the complete source for this example to Github:

A look at HypergraphDB (Part 1)

According to the HypergraphDB website it is described as a "general purpose, open source data storage mechanism based on a powerful knowledge management formalism known as directed hypergraphs".

So you may be asking the question, what is a hypergraph. I found a relatively simple explanation on StackOverflow "Hypergraphs are like simple graphs, except that instead of having edges that only connect 2 vertices, their edges are sets of any number of vertices. This happens to mean that all graphs are just a subset of hypergraphs." - link (when I imagine what a hypergraph looks like I imagine graphs within graphs!)

What I really like about HypergraphDB is how easy it is to setup, so lets get into setting up a Java project in Netbeans, and recreating the example from the HypergraphDB website.

The first thing I did after opening Netbeans is create a new project, I chose to create a Java application from under the Maven menu (this will auto generate your pom.xml file). I then added the code below to the pom.xml before the ending project tag.


When the pom.xml file has been updated, right click on the project and choose Build with Dependancies this will download the required jar files, now the project is set up you will need a folder to store your HypergraphDB, I made a folder in my home directory called Hypergraph for this example.

 public class HyperGraphExample {  
   public static void main(String args[]){  
     HyperGraph graph = new HyperGraph("/home/mhoward/Hypergraph");  
     HGHandle handle = graph.add("Hello World");  
     String hello = graph.get(handle);  

The line "HyperGraph graph = new HyperGraph("/home/mhoward/Hypergraph");" simply sets up the graph and data will be saved in the /home/mhoward/Hypergraph folder.

graph.add will add an object to your graph, it returns a handle which can be used to retrieve that object at a later stage using graph.get.

graph.close is called to close the database, on the website it is recommended that graph.close is called to reduce the chances of data corruption, they recommend wrapping the code in a try/catch and finally closing the database to ensure close always gets called.

In part 2 I will be looking at adding sample data to the graph and querying that data, using the built in query mechanism.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Creating Rest Web Services the easy way with Java in Netbeans

Download Netbeans 8.0 from I got the Java EE version as it comes with Tomcat for deploying.

Create a new project in Netbeans, go to Maven > Project from archtype. You can search through all of the available archtypes for Jersey and choose Jersey quickstart webapp.

Find the web.xml file and add the following to enable POJO > JSON mapping.


Now when you return any regular Java objects they will be automatically converted to JSON for browser consumption.

There is an example resource called, pay attention to the annotations as these are what powers your web services. Jersey uses all of the standard JAX-RS annotations for creating web services.

Select you project and hit the green play button, your default browser will open and you can view the HTML pages inside the Web Pages folder and also access any web services you have set up.

For more information on Jersey: